Vision Statement
At Manchester Valley High School, the school and community unite to benefit the education and success of our students. We focus on nurturing personal and academic growth, building relationships and developing character. Our graduates are prepared to meet the challenges of life.
Belief Statements
At Manchester Valley High School, We believe that ...
- a dynamic educational program advances the aspirations and abilities of every student.
- all members of the school and community are responsible for creating a welcoming environment.
- education is the shared responsibility of students, family, staff, and community.
- the ability to utilize technology effectively is an essential component to success in an innovative society.
- rigorous and relevant instruction is the foundation for student learning and future success.
- honest, respectful, and responsible behavior is expected of all members of our school community.
- a safe and secure environment is essential to learning.
- creating positive relationships inspires learning and growth.
- all students can succeed by assuming personal responsibility for their learning experiences.
- students demonstrate pride in themselves, their school, and their community through their behavior and actions.
- supportive partnerships, between both the school and its community, are vital to the success of each.
- a positive and supportive environment is the foundation for successful participation in academic and extracurricular endeavors.
- recognizing and accepting individuality fosters unity.
- lifelong learning is essential to productive citizenship.
- a spirit of service promotes character and personal growth.
- technology will be used by all students and staff as a learning and organizational tool.
- it is critical for our school to model and promote positive environmental practices.
Please click here MVHAttendance@carrollk12.org by 8:00am to report an absence. Thank you.
Carroll County Public Schools recognize the relationship of regular attendance to the learning process. Students must be present in school to participate in classroom instructional activities that are vital to the educational program for all students.
Local employers also place emphasis on the attendance records of their employees. Preparing students for the world of work, which Carroll County Public Schools view as one of their roles, includes an expectation of regular attendance.
Class hours are 7:30 am - 2:20 pm. The first bell rings at 7:18 am, allowing students to go to their lockers and classrooms. A five minute warning bell rings at 7:25 am. The final bell rings at 7:30 am, when students should be in their classroom ready to begin. Students not in their classrooms by the 7:30 bell are considered late to school. After the 2:20 dismissal bell, students are expected to leave school grounds by 2:45 pm, unless under the direct supervision of faculty, staff, or coaches.
A student absent a total of five or more school days during any nine-week marking period will receive no credit (F) for all courses during that marking period unless the student has: satisfactorily completed all make-up work assigned because of the absences before the end of the course.
Failure to complete the above criteria will result in an “F” for the course. (Appropriate modifications and accommodations will be made for students with disabilities under these regulations.)
ADVANCED ABSENCES (Vacations, College Visits etc.)
1.Bring in note from home, prior to the date of absence, explaining the reason you are to be absent with dates.
2.Obtain extended absence form from attendance office.
3.Find an administrator for signature of approval.
4.Take the extended absence form to your teachers for their initials.
5.Bring both papers back to the attendance office, so a call home is not made.
The student should bring a note to the main office or cafeteria before school and is then given a pass to leave class at the designated time. At the designated dismissal time the student may sign out at the main office and leave the building when the parent/guardian pulls up to the front entrance, or if they drive themselves to school they may leave at this time.
We understand that occasionally it is not possible to know of an appointment in advance. In such situations please understand it may take time to locate a staff member to pull a student from class. In order to help expedite this procedure please call the MVHS attendance office once you are aware of a required early dismissal and we will deliver an early dismissal pass to the student's class. However, please be advised that if a written note is not provided the parent/guardian will be required to come into the school to sign the student out.